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Mindfulness Meditation is the main Life Ingredient

Welcome to Planta Communications. We are practicing Mindfulness Meditation with a focus on See, Hear, Feel sensory experience and concentration on the breath to gain concentration, sensory clarity, and equanimity. Mindfulness meditation is the main life ingredient we need to yield a balanced life. Our scope is teaching people skills, techniques, and procedures that you can lean on to deepen your insight and strengthen your skillfulness in meditation. An objective is to enhance the life quality and to get an exciting positive outcome in each situation we encounter. We are practicing sessions online or face to face.

We meditate for our own personal unconditional happiness as well as for our personal happiness. And we also meditate so that we can best contribute to the conditional and unconditional happiness of others.

Mindfulness practice is a certain form of meditation. And this form of meditation elevates our concentration, clarity, and equanimity. If we elevate our baseline of concentration, clarity, and equanimity then we will elevate our baseline of human happiness in the broadest and deepest sense or senses that a human being can be happy and for all that we do this practice. We have a complete sensory experience of our body and mind when we cross a certain threshold of intensity of concentration, clarity, and equanimity applied to body sensations and the thinking mind. Then our experience of ordinary body-mind becomes utterly extraordinary. And our relationship to our body and mind changes from our body and mind being a prison, to our body and mind being a home where we abide but could leave anytime we want.

On our home page, you can find more details about our services and processes. On the page for hypnosis and self-hypnosis, you can find information about a different topic with some connections.

The most significant learning result about equanimity with noticing its effect comes from a process of discovery when it just sort of happens to a person. One can try to physically relax the body. That tends to open the body and that tends to open consciousness. So if a person can keep the body physically relaxed, very intense sensory phenomena are arising. That’s something one can intentionally do and would tend to create equanimity. Replace each kind of judging talk with complete accepting talk.

We regularly organize free group sessions to let people have the first feeling with this meditation practice. 


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